AppDynamics vs New Relic: A Comparison of Application Performance Monitoring Tools

March 23, 2022

AppDynamics vs New Relic: Which Should You Choose?

When it comes to application performance monitoring tools, two industry leaders reign supreme: AppDynamics and New Relic. But which one should you choose? We've done the research and are ready to present our findings.

Ease of Use

Both AppDynamics and New Relic have a user-friendly interface, but New Relic edges ahead in terms of ease of use. New Relic provides a more intuitive and cleaner interface, making it easier for users to understand what's going on in their applications.


AppDynamics takes the lead here, with its ability to configure custom dashboards and reporting. New Relic also allows customization, but its range of options is more limited.

Monitoring Capabilities

When it comes to monitoring capabilities, both tools are impressive. However, AppDynamics offers more advanced features for monitoring complex distributed systems, making it a better option for those with larger application environments.


Pricing is always a major consideration, and here, New Relic comes out ahead. It offers more flexible pricing options, especially for smaller teams with reduced monitoring needs. AppDynamics, on the other hand, can be quite expensive, making it more suitable for larger enterprises.


Both AppDynamics and New Relic have numerous integrations available, allowing them to work with a wide range of applications and environments. However, AppDynamics has a more extensive list of integrations, making it more versatile in terms of compatibility.


Overall, both AppDynamics and New Relic are excellent application performance monitoring tools, offering powerful features and functionality. However, which one you choose will depend on your specific needs and circumstances. If you're looking for enhanced customizability and advanced monitoring features, AppDynamics could be the better choice. However, if pricing flexibility and ease of use are your priority, New Relic is the way to go.

We hope this comparison has been helpful in making your decision!


[1] AppDynamics. (n.d.). AppDynamics homepage. AppDynamics.

[2] New Relic. (n.d.). New Relic homepage. New Relic.

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